Research Areas

  • 1. Financial accounting and reporting
  • 2. Sustainable corporate governance and corporate social reponsibility
  • 3. Digital transformation of accounting and auditing
  • 4. Business valuations
  • 5. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting



International Financial Reporting & Analysis

A, Hoogendoorn M, Van Mourik C, Inwinkl P, Michelon, G. (2023) International financial reporting and analysis. (9th Ed.). South-Western Cengage Learning.





Gender differences in leaders’ crisis communication: a sentiment-based analysis of German higher education leaderships’ online posts

Angelos Angelakis, Petra Inwinkl, Adele Berndt, Selcen Ozturkcan, Anna Zelenajova & Veronika Rozkopal (2023). Gender differences in leaders' crisis communication: a sentiment-based analysis of German higher education leaderships' online posts. Studies in Higher Education. 





Excellence Award

Excellence Award for Petra Inwinkl and Angelos Angelakis for their paper "How do University Rectors Communicate in Times of Crises such as Covid-19? An Sentiment-Based Study" at the ICCMI International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues in Naxos in July 2022.





Financial distress and corporate transparency/opacity: The role of firm visibility

Kuzey, C., Uyar, A., Wasiuzzaman, S., Karaman, A. S. & Inwinkl, P., Nov 2023, In: International Review of Economics & Finance. 88, p. 766-798 33 p. 














Übungsbuch zur Kosten- und Erlösrechnung

Küpper, H. U., Friedl, G., Hofmann, C., & Pedell, B. (2017). Übungsbuch zur Kosten-und Erlösrechnung. Vahlen.